Why is EYE EXERCISE so important?
“Visual training is used to actually repair some of the balance, motor, visual, and cognitive aspects of the brain.”
- Andrew Huberman
Professor of Neurobiology and Opthamology, Stanford University​
(Huberman Lab Podcast: The Science of Vision, Eye Health & Seeing Better, June 2021)
"The BrainSpeed Ball® shifts kids out of the zone of I can't do this into the zone of I can do this. It pulls the physiological systems together and kids settle into themselves rather than spinning in their heads. They see and feel the difference in their homework experience. This sets them on the path toward a more fully embodied I am capable of doing anything.”
-Heather Vaughan-Southard
Social-Emotional Learning Consultant
"I have seen firsthand how the BrainSpeed Ball® helps the client’s mood immediately shift to a happy place while providing brain exercises that help improve their cognitive abilities, balance, and movement."​
- Karl Sterling
Author of Parkinson's Empowerment Training
"Trent has great insight into strengthening the sensory systems to improve brain performance. He takes a highly complex topic and turns it into a fun game that everyone should be playing."
- Orli Avi-Yonah, PhD
Lecturer on Psychiatry for Harvard Medical School
Take the 21-Day Challenge!
Included in the Challenge:
1 BrainSpeed Ball® (Free U.S. Shipping)​
21 Unique & Easy to follow videos​
Printable 21-Day Challenge Calendar
Results in 5 Minutes a Day!
Lifetime Access!